Mundingburra Aitkenvale Olympic Football Club
Olympic Park - Mervyn Crossman Drive, Annandale
ABN 83135176388

The club would not exist if not for the valuable time and effort our coaches and managers put in. We would like to thank all past and present coaches and managers for their hard work and we look forward to another successful year.
Many of our coaches have been recognised as 'Coach of the Year' in the NQ Football competition and we will continue to support and develop them throughout their journey. We provide great support to all of our volunteers and willingly offer available courses to ensure their skills are maintained and current.
Once again we have appointed Gianni Rantucci as our Club Coaching Coordinator to assist with further development of our junior and senior coaches, ultimately, aiming to give the best quality coaches to our players. Gianni has been in and around the game for most of his life, with many successes himself as a coach and a very well respected member of our club, who also signifies a Life Member of MA Olympic.
If you're interested in becoming either a coach or manager for the upcoming season, please get in contact with Gianni via info@maolympic.org.au
Note: Football Qld North regularly hold FFA approved coaching clinics catering for all levels of coaching experience. Course information and up coming courses can be found on the Queensland football coaching page. Please contact a committee member if you are interested in attending one of these clinics. Select here to access more resources for Coaches.